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Past Events

행사 개요

Main Theme

- The role of cities in reducing risk

Event Date

- 2022.9.28(Wed)-9.29(Thu),2Days


- Songdo Convencia Grand Ballroom Hall A


- Incheon Metropolitan City, United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction(UNDRR)
office for Northeast Asia(ONEA),Incheon Research Institute



Side events / Affiliated events

- Exhibitions, citizen safety seminars, disaster safety researchers forum, Professional education, Incheon tours, etc

International Disaster Resilience Leaders Forum Incheon 2022

28-29 September 2022
Songdo, Incheon, Republic of Korea
Convensia Center, Grand Ballroom A (2nd Floor)

#AllAboutGovernance #DRR #MCR2030 # ResilientCities


Governments are on the frontline of opportunity' in this era of Climate Emergency and a third year of the global COVID-19 pandemic. At the same time, the biggest dividend in avoided future disaster losses can be reaped at the level of municipalities.

The evidence is clear: those governments, including local, that invest to better understand, communicate, and manage their climate and disaster risk, are the ones that most effectively protect the lives and livelihoods of their citizens as well as their infrastructure systems and assets.

Incheon Metropolitan City has a strong track record in climate and disaster resilience both within Korea, the wider Asia region, and indeed globally.

More than 90% of all disasters are now related to climate change and extreme weather events. Those countries and cities that either take no action or are slow to act most probably will experience escalating disaster risk and losses. Climate change is generating more powerful storms, exacerbating coastal flooding, causing more deadly heatwaves, and prompting greater water shortages and more protracted drought. It is amplifying disaster losses, both in terms of human lives and livelihoods as well as the overall economy. And these losses are increasingly concentrated in urban areas.

The Ministry of the Interior and Safety of the Republic of Korea and Incheon Metropolitan City, as a Resilience Hub of the United Nations convened Making Cities Resilient 2030 (MCR2030) global initiative, are reaching out to the leaders of the Northeast Asia and ASEAN region to scale up action on climate and disaster risk reduction.

The International Disaster Resilience Leaders Forum Incheon 2022 is convened to:

⚫ Capture and share practical experience of 'disaster resilience in action' including technology for disaster risk reduction
⚫Consolidate policy recommendations based on this experience to scale up the number of local governments taking effective action to prevent and reduce disaster risk
⚫Ensure the region's experience positively influences the global development policy agenda

In achieving these objectives, the International Disaster Resilience Leaders Forum Incheon 2022 will contribute to scaling up the number of governments, including local, that invest in a resilient future.

Investing in resilience will translate into significant and tangible development gains. In the face of escalating hazards, it will mean tens of millions of citizens living safely and remaining economically active. It will mean the critical infrastructure systems and services - including roads, bridges, power and water supplies, schools, and hospitals - remain open and functioning. It will mean utilizing technology to achieve resilience.

The more governments do now in terms of climate and disaster resilience, the less they will suffer- and the less they will pay - in the future.

Reducing the impact of disasters keeps people out of poverty, protects hard-earned development gains, and enables municipalities to become more inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable.


Incheon Metropolitan City, United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction(UNDRR) office for Northeast Asia(ONEA), Incheon Research Institute


Incheon Metropolitan City is the Republic of Korea's third largest city, host to UNDRR and other United Nations organizations in the Republic of Korea as well as the Green Climate Fund. Incheon is a recognized Making Cities Resilient 2030 Resilience Hub.


The Incheon Institute conducts systematic and reality-based research, as well as being responsible for carrying out surveys and analyses on various tasks and general issues regarding Incheon Metropolitan city, all in the pursuit to help the city establish and implement regional policies.

The Incheon Institute conducts surveys and research projects regarding mid- and long-term development plans as well as for discovering major current issues affecting the city government administration.

The Incheon Institute also carries out research projects entrusted by governments, government-invested agencies, and private organizations and engages in exchanges and cooperation with research institutes both at home and abroad.


The United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) office in Incheon for Northeast Asia & Global Education and Training Institute (UNDRR ONEA & GETI) was established in 2010 to develop a new cadre of professionals in disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation to build disaster resilient societies. ONEA & GETI also hosts the Global Secretariat for the Making Cities Resilient 2030 (MCR2030)

UNDRR Office for Northeast Asia (ONEA) supports five countries: Republic of Korea, China, Japan, Mongolia and DPR Korea specifically to reduce disaster loss and risk and to ensure Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 implementation.

The Global Education and Training Institute (GETI) has a global mandate to provide capacity building support to mainstream disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation into sustainable development; convene and support inter-city learning to strengthen resilience (Making Cities Resilient); and to provide capacity building and best practice sharing support to national training institutions working on resilience issues.


MCR2030 is a long-term global partnership that supports urban areas to be more inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable. It accelerates progress against Sustainable Development Goal 11 as well as other global frameworks including the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, the Paris Agreement, and the New Urban Agenda. It aims to leave no city behind or alone.

MCR2030 is focused on implementation and action to reduce disaster and climate risk. It helps cities to develop their own vision of disaster resilience and progress towards this via a clear 3-stage roadmap. Along this journey, MCR2030 provides access to tools, knowledge, networks, services, and resources to support cities to strengthen their resilience.

MCR2030 was launched by the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) as a global collaboration that now has 12 core partners, the others being: C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group; ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC); Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA); Resilient Cities Network United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG); United Nations Development Programme (UNDP); United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT); United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS); World Bank and the World Council on City Data (WCCD).


The Ministry of the Interior and Safety (MOIS) is responsible for general affairs of the State Council, promulgation of Acts and subordinate statutes and treaties, government organization and prescribed number of public officials, awards and decorations, government innovation, administrative efficiency, e-government, personal information protection, management of government buildings and support for elections and referendums.

Furthermore, the MOIS actively promotes local autonomy and decentralization by supporting business, finance and taxation of local governments and mediating disputes among local governments. In addition, the MOIS takes charge of establishing, supervising and adjusting policies related to safety and disaster management such as emergency countermeasure, civil defense and disaster prevention.


The Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat (TCS) is an international organization established with a vision to promote peace and common prosperity among the People's Republic of China, Japan, and the Republic of Korea.


The Association of Southeast Asian Nations, or ASEAN, was established on 8 August 1967 in Bangkok, Thailand, with the signing of the ASEAN Declaration (Bangkok Declaration) by the Founding Fathers of ASEAN: Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand. Brunei Darussalam joined ASEAN on 7 January 1984, followed by Viet Nam on 28 July 1995, Lao PDR and Myanmar on 23 July 1997, and Cambodia on 30 April 1999, making up what is today the ten Member States of ASEAN.

The Leaders envision ASEAN as a peaceful, stable and resilient region within a global community of nations while still maintaining ASEAN centrality. At the 32nd ASEAN Summit on 28 April 2018, the ASEAN Leaders established the ASEAN Smart Cities Network (ASCN). The ASCN is a collaborative platform where cities from the ten ASEAN Member States (AMS) work towards the common goal of smart and sustainable urban development.

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